Delay delivery office for mac
Delay delivery office for mac

delay delivery office for mac

Preventing a pickle like Grier’s is one way that a delayed send can save you from yourself.

  • Make sure you hit “Save Changes” at the bottom.
  • Again, I’d go for longest interval to give your mental red flags a chance to flutter.

    #Delay delivery office for mac windows#

    Check “Enable Undo Send” and then choose between 5, 10, 20 and 30 second windows of unsendability.Look a third of the way down the page for the “Undo Send” section.Go to the little cog icon in the upper right-hand corner and select “Settings.”.If you use Gmail, you’re in luck, as Google just added an “undo send” feature, which is much simpler. (For info on different versions of Outlook go to: and search for “ Delay or Schedule Sending Messages.” One caveat: users report that it doesn’t work on Outlook for Macs.) Then, click “Next,” and “Finish” (Don’t forget this last step, or all your clicks will be for naught.)

    delay delivery office for mac

    Click “Next,” and fill in any exceptions to your new rule.I choose two minutes, because it often takes me a minute to realize what I’ve forgotten! On the final menu (the “Actions” page), check “Defer delivery by _ minutes” and fill in the blank.Under “Email Rules” choose “New Rule” and under “Start from a blank rule” click on “Apply rule on messages I send.” Click “Next,” which will show conditions - you don’t need to choose any of these, just click “Next” again.Go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Rules” drop down.I’d love to say it’s simple to get started, but if you use the version of Outlook that I use - Outlook 2013 - you’ll need to navigate a rabbit’s warren of clicks and commands. It’s come to my rescue many a time, allowing me to pop into my outbox and fix inaccuracies add the PowerPoint file I forgot to attach or re-edit a sensitive message for nuance. It’s for these sorts of reasons that several years ago I decided to put a two-minute delay on all of my office emails. Don’t let poorly-crafted communications hold you back.

    Delay delivery office for mac